Here is August’s cover for Strictly Business. The cover photo is of Lori Botz, owner of Coach2Win, the photo is once again by the good folks at Shane & Sunny. You may remember that PowerBand Graphics also did the rebranding for Coach2Win recently. Lori runs a great company, the publication is a must have for any business owner in Lincoln and Omaha and Shane and Sunny provide great photography as always. Check it out!
Strictly Business August Cover
About the Author: John
As the Owner and Creative Director of PowerBand Graphics I have lofty goals but they are tempered with humble roots. I grew up in a small town in Northeast Nebraska. I learned the value of hard work helping my father on the farm where we lived. I put myself through the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. My personal accomplishments include completing a full marathon, skydiving and starting PowerBand Graphics.
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