
The PowerBand Graphics blog is a place where you can find detailed information on what we’ve been up to. Here you’ll find information about industry practices, new projects and opinion about the state of the design and marketing industry.

We’re here to interact with our clients and provide a level of service you won’t find anywhere else. If you read something that interests you, leave a comment. We’d love to hear from you.

Powerful Branding Means More Than A Logo

Branding is more than just designs, it’s how you interact with your clients and how much effort you put into your services. From the logo on your business cards to the posts on your blog or Facebook page, it’s the image that you project to your clients. Why is that image important? It’s the first interaction a potential client has with your company. It’s about creating credibility and maintaining trust with your current and prospective clients.

By |May 12th, 2010|Categories: Front Page, Perspective|0 Comments

April Strictly Business Cover.

April is over half way through and I've almost forgotten to post the latest Strictly Business cover! Photography is once again by Shane & Sunny Photography. PowerBand Graphics has continued to grow and there will be plenty of new things to post in the coming months. We just joined the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce and will be networking and updating everyone on local events. New web design and identity projects are being finished for local businesses as well. Another exciting project in the works are eduction classes for small business on what it takes to create powerful branding and how to go about doing this. Powerful branding means more than just logos. We'll cover identity, establishing a message, consistent advertising, web design and more! Stay tuned!

By |April 17th, 2010|Categories: Project News, Strictly Business|0 Comments

Web Design for Tregg Lunn Law

PowerBand Graphics was contracted to create a custom website design for Lincoln Criminal Defense Attorney Tregg Lunn. The site needed to be easy to navigate, quick loading and professional looking. This site was built with static XHTML and CSS. Content management systems are great but not always necessary. They can some times add a layer of complexity and cost that isn't ideal. PowerBand Graphics worked with the Tregg Lunn to create a solution that met their needs but was an excellent value to them. The functioning site can be viewed at www.tregglunnlaw.com

By |April 1st, 2010|Categories: Portfolio, web design|0 Comments

Branding yourself using social media.

I've been considering this topic for a while because it's something that has come up with clients and friends from time to time. I recently read "Crush It" by Gary Vaynerchuk, it's a quick read about the importance of branding yourself as a business and person using social media like Facebook and Twitter. I was impressed at how many points he made that were relevant both to entrepreneurs and graphic designers. At one point he even highlights the importance of having a professionally designed website. I won't get into that here but I think his main message is important for businesses. Branding yourself using social media can be a crucial way to drive business and create new venues for you to interact with clients. The thing is (as he describes [...]

By |March 15th, 2010|Categories: Perspective|0 Comments

March Strictly Business Cover.

Another month has come and gone which means another Strictly Business cover! It's been a busy month but I've got new blog posts and updates on the way. The featured business on this issue is TCW Construction with the photo once again provided by Shane & Sunny Photography.

By |March 1st, 2010|Categories: Project News, Strictly Business|0 Comments

How about some SEO and SEM?

You may have heard the terms SEO and SEM thrown around a bit while looking to promote your business online. They refer to Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing. This is the practice of leveraging search engines like Google, Bing and Ask.com to advertise your company. It's a big subject and important for small businesses to consider. SEO and SEM aren't the same, they have important differences that I'll outline. I've worked with enough marketing departments and created enough websites that I realize how important it is to have knowledge of these methods. SEO and SEM have become buzzwords that companies (both legitimate and fraudulent) use to lure individuals in with the promise of cheap guaranteed web traffic. As a lot of things with marketing your business it requires [...]

By |January 29th, 2010|Categories: Perspective|0 Comments
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