It’s been a while since I’ve written out a blog post and if you’ve heard me speak to my clients you know, there’s one thing I stress about blogs: “Don’t have a blog unless you can keep it up!”. Well I’m guilty but it’s 2016 and I’ve got new work to share with this updated website you’re reading it on. If you haven’t already, take a look around as things have been shifted slightly. My goal with the total design was to put the work and clients up fronts they are really what make the business what it is.
Instead of individual “Client Showcase” blog posts, where I go in depth about a favorite project, I’ve grouped those now into the Featured Project section. Here you’ll be able to more easily sort the projects by what type of design service PowerBand Graphics has provided. Take a look! Each of the businesses that I’ve worked with in those projects are unique and run by hard working individuals, and I’m always happy to send more traffic their way.
2015 was a fantastic year. I got to work with some truly unique startups and businesses in both the New York City area and my home state of Nebraska. One of my favorites was Tempo SOS. Based in the New York area, Tempo SOS created a “speed of service” software to help restaurants more accurately measure and improve front counter performance. 2016 is already shaping up to be an amazing year and I hope you’ll check back occasionally to see what we are up to.